Saturday 15 November 2008

Weary weekend

Tired to type more than a few lines. Am currently at a budget hotel in Sepang for a 1 and 1/2 day workshop. Struggling an presentation and written report due on Monday, where we had our first group meeting yesterday and will be having another group meeting at 4 tomorrow.

Which means I'll need to scrunge up some time between now and then in the midst of this workshop to finish up my part for the group meeting tomorrow, and then work on the written report by tomorrow night.

And right after that - another presentation on Wednesday and term paper due on Friday.

The next weekend couldn't come sooner.


  1. Sound extremely bz and tired. Keep up the energy and hard work.

  2. time really flies if you're occupied. You sound more like saturated than just occupied though. take care. will be finishing exam tomorrow evening and can start talking to real people after that!! :D

  3. Glad to see you in the blogosphere again! :) -ww

  4. ur boss is Dr.Adura the animal lady ?

  5. Teddy: Yes, my supervisor is Dr. Adura. She knows quite a lot on animal biology and her projects are centred around animal genomics. However, I would recommend if you could try exercising a little more discretion when choosing the choice of words.

  6. haha.. relax, relax... she taught me Biodiversity, so we all remembered her as an animal lady...

    then Prof Wahab as the Dinosaur man.. hehehe.. coz he like to tell us about dinosaurs.. hehe..

    so u r based in CGAT or 4th Floor PPBsBt?

  7. Teddy: I know, but it doesn't sound right still. I'm doing my work in CGAT.

  8. Hi Jun Hoe...

    Happy New Year! Hope the busy-ness in life does not bring you away from health, happiness and friendships! :) Take care and make sure you get lots of rest yeah!

    cheers, wen
