Sunday 24 February 2008

Current song: Teardrops On My Guitar - Taylor Swift; Stop and Stare - One Republic

Came back home this weekend to grab some stuff and go out. Strangely I've been in a rather... whimsical mood this entire week, for lack of a better word. There are tons of better things I could do, but I just took it rather easy and just went along, tacking bits of work here and there.

And oh, the first general election has just been anounced. Yay, my first election ever! Hehe, can't wait to exercise my citizenship right and civic duty.

And on another note, there's a movie that looks quite interesting to me. Generally I avoid spoof and parody movies, given that Meet the Spartans got thrashed and beaten to a bloody pulp by critics and movie-goers. Case in point, Mafia remains the worse movie I've ever seen in a cineplex. However, this trailer does look promising - staying away from the current trend of parodies of just spoofing nonsensically without any coherent storyline, and it features Drake Bell. Who was a child star with an early exposure on Nickelodeon, and co-starring with Amanda Bynes on The Amanda Show. (Yes, I admit it - I do watch Nickelodeon and Disney Channel). Click on the trailer below.

1 comment:

  1. As for Jumper, I have to agree with anyone who says Hayden Christensen is cute. Isn't he just adorable *day dreaming*..About the movie, it's fun to watch but the story isn't that interesting though - usual hero save the beauty type of movie.
