Monday 3 March 2008

Song: Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis

Sometimes we forget how the little things can rankle you for a disproportionately long time. Like yesterday night when I wanted to refill supply of drinking water at one of those RO water vending machines that's getting quite inconspicuous these days. So I brought along my bottles and a slightly larger amount of coins than needed.

There were 3 of those machines side by side, and luck would have it that the one I picked happened to be spoiled that very day. It swallowed in my coins but won't discharge any water. And I have with me 3 empty bottles with few coins left. Hating to return to my room just to get more coins, I decided to change a RM1 note which I happened to have with me.

So I went into my college cafetaria. Sitting at the counter was the owner, a near middle-aged guy, chatting with a young lady worker. And so I asked if I could change some coins. "Duit syling tak ada," he answered gruffly, when it was in plain sight that even a naked mole rat could see, was large stacks of coins lying in the opened cash register. I was quite annoyed, and asked again, "Seringgit pun tak boleh?". He then decided to liken my existence to an annoying gnat and just looked around in a nonchalant, bored way. I stared at him and then to the lady worker next to him, who at least had the decency to look slightly embarassed.

I mean I can totally understand if he doesn't want to change, something along the lines of "Oh, kami nak guna syiling untuk esok" or even a short "Sorry, tak boleh tukar duit syiling" would have been kinda acceptable. But to blatantly lie , rather rudely, and then ignoring me was seriously in bad taste. What ever happened to customer service, or even decent manners?

Well, I've never been much of a fan of this new cafetaria management that took over this semester. The previous management was quite good actually, lots of food variety and quite tasty too. This current owner had less than half the variety of food, poorly stocked bread/snacks/drinks, and just alright food. Like during lunch hour, it will be packed and semi-packed during dinner that I usually plan my way around the crowd if I want to go to the cafe. Right now, it barely picks up the few stragglers here and there. With this kind customer service, I won't be sorry at all to wish its speedy demise.


  1. You should have taken out the tray with the coins and tossed it into the air. Then laugh evilly as he tries to collect all the coins back.

    @$$h0l3$ should be treated as @$$h0l3$ imo.

  2. Sometimes people tend to deny the present of something to stop people from keep asking for it. In this case, I believe very soon everyone'll give up going back to them for syillings. Short and effectives answers, if you notice. But it is indeed not a decent manner.

    "I need to talk to your boss."
    "He's not in." Answered by the boss himself.

    "Could you send me a copy of the document?"
    "I've deleted it."

    Sometimes it's true that they really don't have the things we're looking for. But sometimes it's just plain lie. Hope this incident doesn't rankle you for too long eh.

  3. Is it in KDO? So they change the cafe operator again? Boycott them ma. Luckily you got car can go outside eat

  4. au yong: Yup, it's KDO. Changed management already. I kinda like the old one, which was actually quite good, don't you agree?

    ken: yup, I'd keep that idea for future consideration.
