Tuesday 18 March 2008

Song: Say It Again - Marie Digby

Unless you have been stuck in an underground bomb shelter, chances are that anyone who's a citizen of this fair country would be aware of the massive changes in our political landscape. Most notably, BN has been denied its 2/3rd majority in Parliament, and 5 states are now being governed by the the loose coalition of DAP-PKR-PAS. This has also gotta be the most exciting election ever, with it being my very first one, heh. I was logged on to Malaysiakini and following the updates by the minute - XXX leading in area YYY; Opposition in trailing closely in state Z. It was pretty damn exciting, I tell you! And exhilarating too, as one by one the states fell - Penang, Kedah, Selangor (!). I followed till 2 am, with the final breaking piece of news of Perak falling into the opposition.

The local mainstream's seemed to have a (poorly) hidden agenda of provoking the loose coalition and painting it the most negative light possible, while at the same time giving (undue) positive spotlight on the BN. So lately I've avoided reading the local newspapers like The Star/NST (though The Sun is one of the few independent ones), and choose to source my news from sites like Malaysia Today and KTemoc Konsiders.

Perhaps some of you might be wondering the rather dearth mentioning of the general election prior in the last few weeks. Well, I sincerely doubt that but I'll go on anyway. As much as I do try to keep somewhat abreast of the political happenings locally, at heart I'm not a political activist. Sure I might mention it bits of politics and social happenings here, but I'm a pale comparison to individuals like Daniel and Shi Jun. I guess I'm more concerned with the environment, and perhaps one day I might actually take up the mantle of an animal/enviromental activist.

But on to myself, things are just generally alright. I've been making some progress in my lab research, so at least I'm moving forward. Nothing else of interest happening lately, other than the recent St. Patrick's Day which originated from Ireland and now is just a good excuse for people from other countries to drink themselves silly. Here's how a high-profile local 'celebrity' celebrated it.


  1. www.harakahdaily.net also provides good alternative news for free. Some is logical but some is just slander. I hope MalaysiaKini is free.

  2. :) You asked whether things are heated in the newsroom. You bet it is! Change is the buzz word for elections. It truly is.

    I'm just being rational and impartial here... but as of now, I can't think of anything totally independent in this whole wide world.

    Its all Dependent Origination isn't it. To have a drawing board, someone has to buy the drawing board from the supplier; and an artist paid by the drawing board owner to draw on it; and a person who needs to work together with the artist to make sure that is the best work possible (and imagine the artist having to work with the person for years down the road) and it goes on and on... and you see what I mean.


  3. It's good if you can find unbias source of news. I realise I enjoy Malaysia politics a little more than before election. For half a century now only they know how to put up -good- political "drama". haha.

    against chaos,
    Cher Linn
