Monday 4 June 2007

Earth Day

Today, 5th June is World Environment Day. And I gotta say this year's has gotta been the most trumpeted one so far. In the past, it usually got ditched by more important news like Paris Hilton break-up or another Lindsay Lohan's night out gone wrong. Anyway, with all the talk and focus on the dominant issue of global warming, you've gotta be living in a nuclear bunker to not notice the new trend - green is in.

Yeah, it's cool to be green now and many people are starting to change - green living, green marriages, green transport, green fuel, green greens etc. And I guess in a way I'm pleased that people's started to take up the issue more seriously besides the typical response of going "Yeah, no wonder it is getting hotter", then turning up the air-con two notches higher.

On a local level, the awareness isn't so strong yet. We are more worried bout the increasing prices of roti canai and iced milo than the spate of unpredictable weather we've been experiencing. But it is indeed heartening to note that there are few people put there who willing give up some of life's comforts for the greater good of the environment. Like Regine Cheah, who gave up a the usual comforts of desk job and now surviving just barely by working for an NGO called Global Environmental Centre. And also, Ruth Yeoh Pei Cheen who's organising so many events on the enviroment. She's also handling other things, corporate-wise with her high position in one of the YTL companies.

I've kinda pride myself being environmentally-aware, and I try to do my part here and there. Like reduce plastic, recycle a bit, save water/electricity/paper etc. But what I do pales in comparison to those people above. I mean, would I be willing to give up all for the environment? Eke out an existence on the fringe of a rainforest to study the orang utans? I guess when it comes down to it, I'm not really martyr-material who's willing to sacrifice everything for a cause.

And if anything, both of them showed that there are many different ways to help the environment. Like Regine doing her bit by reducing wastage and saving resource: Ruth creating more awareness and using her corporate skills to make changes in the way businesses run. Me, as I mentioned previously, would most likely follow a more academic path and try to shed light on some of nature's mysteries.

A lot of communities and cities like California, New York and Japan has started implementing energy-saving designs and features into the city. We can all start with ourselves without waiting for our local government to implement laws or guidelines, if they ever get around to it.
For tomorrow's Environmental Day, let's start by making small changes - try avoiding plastic if possible, save water and energy, drive less etc. Together we can save a lot of energy and reduce wastage, and this itself will be a big step in helping out environment.

And oh, I've just bought Linkin Park's new album, Minutes to Midnight. It's a little uneven compared to the previous album Meteora and Hybrid Theory where the tempo is kept pretty hard and furious most of the time. It's a little ... different and it might take a few listens to fully appreciate it, but I do think it's quite a good album nonetheless.


  1. wa ha ha, i've been giving out dozens of plastic bags to my customers throughout my entire Environment Day (full shift as a cashier). well, the least i can do is when a customer only bought one tiny item from us, i'd ask whether or not he/she needed plastic bag. this is the thing i try to remind myself to do besides saying "thank you" to my every customer, not only on Environment Day, but everyday.

  2. Dear Jonoave,

    Came across your blog and was hugely encouraged to read your views on the climate change idea. I would, hoever, like to clarify that what you do does not pale in comparison to myself or Regine as you mentioned as I believe action and education is the best solution to tackling the global warming problem.

    The onus is now not only on governments, organsiations and companies to act - it is now also up to you and me to do something to protect God's creation the best we can. Everyone can do their part to protect our earth and the environment.

    Visit for more news, information and updates.

    Mant thanks for your kind encouragement and God Bless,


    Director of Investments,
    YTL Corporation Bhd

  3. Dear Jonoave,

    Came across your blog and was hugely encouraged to read your views on the climate change agenda.

    I would, however, like to clarify that what you do does not pale in comparison to myself or Regine as you mentioned as I believe action and education is the best solution to tackling the global warming problem.

    The onus is now not only on governments, organsiations and companies to act - it is now also up to you and me to do something to protect God's creation the best we can. Everyone can do their part to protect our earth and the environment.

    Visit for more news, information and updates.

    Mant thanks for your kind encouragement and God Bless,


    Director of Investments,
    YTL Corporation Bhd
