Saturday 9 June 2007


Sometimes I do things which I don't really like - my simple reasoning being that "Because someone has to do it." And it might as well be me. In the past I've taken up stuff which I didn't like, but I did them anyway. Like going alone for events as a representative/obligation. It's kinda boring and awkward, but I try to manage somehow. And being all polite and friendly at socials to people I wouldn't remember the next day. Sometimes it feels really shallow and hypocritical, and sometimes too I'm frightened at how quickly I shift from one person to another when dealing with people.

A friend once said that I'm quite an accommodating person. I don't like making decisions and tend to let other people decide because I'm mostly fine with whatever that will be decided. Generally I just don't like imposing my decisions on others. And even if it's hard decisions that will affect me, I don't like to say how I feel about a certain Decision A vs Decision B. I think when it comes down to it, I just don't like upsetting people, especially those which I'm close to. And if a bit of sacrifice is needed on my part, I'd take it. Because I understand that all of us have many obligations in life and it's a constant give-and-take when it comes to people around you. Not that I'm keeping a favour debit/credit checklist, but it just seems that I tend to give too much credit while getting little debit in return. Though I do subscribe to the idea of karma, mostly I just tell myself that the reward is in the satisfaction of the deed.

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