Tuesday 27 November 2007

Often when we get too close and comfortable with someone, we take each other for granted. Like they said, familiarity breeds contempt.

And when it reaches a tipping point, a resolution is needed and everyone has to swallow the bitter pill - being frank. And if the initial bond was strong enough, a new level of understanding and closeness is reached. Everyone moves on, contented and satisfied.

And sometimes when you're unexpectedly appreciated by the very people whom you care deeply for, it means so much more than an expensive gift. The profound sense of being needed and belonged. And that your existence mattered.

And then everything in life seems so much better.


  1. I do not know where you are in the process you described, but it will soon pass :)

    It really does feel good to come back from a long trip and have someone say "You have been missed!"


  2. I used to hear people say one could have a go on the swing with his friend on the other without either one talking. After that they'll leave feeling it's the best conversation ever.

    I agree with this after I have experienced it myself. Or sort of long for this friend's mere presence when I need to clear up my thoughts. One never know how much people appreciate his presence when it seemed like no one is welcomed. Yet friends know when to interrupt or when to back off.
