Saturday 24 November 2007


I've just finished saving up all my old blog entries over at Blog-city. In case you didn't know, Blog-city had decided to terminate its free hosting of blogs and will only be available to paid bloggers, and all free blogs will be terminated by end of this year. So then I upped and moved over here to Blogspot.

Anyway, I was skimming through those entries as I saved them up, and a whole lot of emotions just washed up over me. I can't believe that it's been almost 4 years that I've started this blog. How my writing has changed over the years, and even how myself has changed over the years. Things I went through, good times and bad; my thought over certain issues and so on.

With my very first post around the time I just finished Form 6, I think I might have came across as rather idealistic. That time I was thinking of going on adventurous treks to study animals. And then once I entered UKM, things changed. My passion for the environment, I think, has decreased slightly. I still plan to help the environment, though my approach now would be studying and understanding it through a different approach.

At that time too, I was just still fresh off from certain issues. I had a lot of anger, and confusion. And being dumped into a new environment of entering into uni probably didn't help much in thawing my slightly cool and bitter self. Then there was the whole thing of me definitively drifting further away from my Form 5 friends, a term I've come to accept now.

And I kinda laughed a little at myself, reading bout when I just embarked on this whole new world of 'debating'. How excited I was when I went for my first Royals in UMS and the subsequent victory. The incredibly good times I had, the the amazing bond and friendship that developed with a bunch of the zaniest people I know. People who would become some of the few friends I'm can claim to be totally comfortable with.

The ironic part would be that today the UKM debate team has just left for this year's Royals at UiTM Shah Alam. It feels a bit strange, and nostalgic, I think. I'm not sure of the exact words to describe what I'm feeling now. Seeing some of my closest friends, whom I've spent a lot of time debating and had fun with. Not to mention who were my teammates for last year's Royals, now attempting the whole thing again. This time without me. And mostly with a sense of relunctance and obligation, as compared to the drive and camaraderie we formerly shared. The whole thing just feels a little, surreal? Sad maybe? To see them go at something that I was once a part of. The kind of feeling you get when you see the juniors take over your post and duties. The feeling of an ...outsider, peering inside through a window of the house you walked out of.

And of course, blogging too allowed me to meet a few incredible people; no mention of names needed. Among them is a person who's come to be someone I've gotten really close with. But overall, I guess that personally for me, a blog is like my own diary of sorts - photos that make me smile fondly, entries that trigger long-forgotten memories and emotions. This blog is a story of my journey.


  1. Hey man, try get a tag message board. So that we can keep in touch...

  2. but tag board full with spam. These cyberbots can't stop finding site to spam.
